Wednesday, 24 July 2013

Potty training - Bitting the bullet #PottyTrainingLive

So potty training in the Barker household has been going so well Lillie has been making us super proud at every turn!

So why was I holding back on taking her out of the house nappy free? It was completely 100% me that was scared and I needed to get over it and stop holding Lillie back!

So this week we went out to get some shopping which with two under two's is not the greatest adventure at the best of times. But I was locked and loaded for this trip taking with me the potty as Lillie had previously refused and screamed quite loudly that she would not sit on the mummy's toilet! I also had the pourty flex-fit toilet trainer just in case I could convince Lillie that the toilet monster would not bite her bum lol

So off we go carry one in a million things wearing our big girl knickers and our Dry Like Me Pads plus a change of clothes just in case! So cue mummy asking Lillie if she needs the wee wee every five minutes and Lillie eventually getting fed up and no longer replying to me! I'm sure if she could roll her eyes she would have!

So I get the last of the shopping in the trolley and walking out of the centre when Lillie finally decides she does need the potty mum, so off we trot and Lillie was quite happy to sit on the big potty in the shopping centre not quite sure why it's different then the big potty at home but there you have it!

My point is that I was in doubt of Lillie but she never once doubted herself she was quite capable of asking to use the bathroom and knowing when she needed to go, and I realised that maybe mummy was holding on to the nappies just slightly as they were her safeguard more than Lillies! And maybe just maybe mummy's baby wasn't mummy's baby any more she was mummy's big brave girl and I intend to tell her every day how very proud of her I am and that no matter how scary something may be the first step is always the scariest after that you find your feet.

Signing off,

Mummy's Angels :)

A very emotional week! Cancer Who Are Ya :D

So this week has been a journey that has taken us on many twists and turns!

The day after Boxing Day my dad was diagnosed as having cancer in two different places his soft palate and his tongue, it had also spread to three of his lymph nodes and we were told in no uncertain terms that it was very likely that it wasn't beatable.

Because the type of cancer he had was very rare in fact the hospital had previously only read about the cancers he had yet never had the chance to see it they agreed to try a radical treatment as he had nothing to lose.

When you get that news about someone you love you sort of go into a free fall and stop hearing anything other than ringing when that word is mentioned. It has literally been three kinds of hell seeing my dad go through treatment he had to have radio therapy treatment for an hour every day for six weeks this burned the skin from his face and neck and was just heart breaking to look at him. He wouldn't leave the house or see the grandchildren as he didn't want to frighten them.

Well we'd all been sitting on tender hooks waiting for the final results had he done what so many said was impossible? On Wednesday myself, my sister and brother we're sitting waiting wondering exactly that when my dad walked down the path with my mum into the house none of us wanted to look. We were too scared to see that answer written on his face that answer that we all feared but prayed it wouldn't be true, when he came in and we finally looked up no words can express the pure joy that was there and we knew he had done it.

It felt like a dream it still does and I never think that we'll 100% believe that it’s true but his in remission and for now that's the best feeling in the world.

Sunday, 14 July 2013

Week Two #PottyTrainingLive and Ben and Holly Live!

Wow what a week we are having! Have to say all this lovely weather makes potty training so much easier. So last week Lillie mastered the art that is making it to the potty in time! And this week we received our super fan packs from Dry Like Me and what a pack, Lillie loves putting a sun on the map when she has a wee wee on the potty. We've been wearing our big girl knickers and using our dry like me pads which have been a god send for the many many times Lillie forgot that the knickers needed to come off first :)

We have set in place a good routine for where the potty is kept and what to do when we finish. And she is so very happy everytime she makes a successful trip to the potty she has to have a high five and does a dance while waiting for me to get her a sun to put on the map! It's been eventful but the guidance and ease of use of the dry like me's and now the new dry like me night time liners really really do make life so much easier.

I can honestly say week two and I'm showing no signs of caving and reaching for the nappies and just in time too since its National 'Take your nappie off' week starting next week! It's not too late to get on this potty train join in now and receive the full support of fellow mummies and daddies going through #pottytraininglive.

We also went to see Ben and Holly Live this week I was lucky enough to win a family ticket from Little Bird Deals and both my little angels loved it. All the singing had them dancing in the chairs and Lillie would not stop talking about it on the way home or for the rest of the week for that matter. The only thing I found a little disspointing was the big amounts of money they were charging for merchandise I've never seen anything like it, it was worse then the holiday parks!!
It's very difficult when you have more then one child and the cheapest item they have is £7.50!! They really should think about doing some sort of package whereby if you buy more then one item you get the second at a cheaper price.

Next week is another busy one for the Barker Clan we're off to see Dirty Dancing in the theater, followed by a trip on the big wheel (My first which is shocking since it used to be the view from my old house!) we also have a baby shower and a birthday party to attend so it's go go go for a change.

Lets hope the good weather keeps up so we can keep our angels happy and out having fun while we can.

Signing off, Mummy's Angels.

Sunday, 7 July 2013

Our first blog giveaway! Dry like me pads for your little angels #PottyTrainingLive

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Dry Like Me! Potty Time #pottytraininglive

So my eldest daughter Lillie is two and a half and due to start nursery in September (scary times!) I'd slowly been introducing the idea of going on the potty and becoming a big girl like mummy with big girl knickers.

And like many a mummy before me I started this journey full of the joys stupidly thinking that Lillie had never struggled with anything else this would be a piece of cake!

Hmm fast forward six weeks down the line and I had more grey hairs then at the start and Lillie had developed a hate for the potty that I hadn't anticipated :(

I tried everything I could think of and any idea's I could Google no matter how mad or crazy they seemed, I went on the potty, I sang a song about the potty, I wrote a story about the potty you get the general idea.

During one of my Google sessions I came across Dry Like me pads and figured they were worth a shot I never attempted pull ups I just didn't feel they would work as in essence their a glorified nappy and If I struggled to get them on her how the hell was she going to pull them down when she needed the potty!

So off I trot to pick up my pads with Lillie in tow we made two purchases that day the pads and some new big girl knickers!

We talked about what they were for and what was going to happen and she seemed ok, that evening I set about a new search and found the Dry like me facebook page and the dry like me YouTube channel that was filled with amazing advice.

I found out via facebook that they were running a Potty training live event that would last the summer 6 weeks of advice and information that would include a network of mummy's and daddy's that were going through the hell that is potty training too!

I signed myself and Lillie up immediately and we're now on week two! I have to say so far so good Lillie is finally at one with the potty lol we started by treating her every time she went a wee wee and cheered and congratulated her every time she sat on it. We have come on leaps and bounds we're still not brave enough to tackle an outdoor trip or an overnighter! But we'll keep you updated on our journey throughout the next five weeks.

Signing off,

Mummy's Angels.

Welcome to my blog!

So like many people I guess I've been thinking about doing a blog for awhile! But I never got past the stage of thinking!
I spent ages thinking well if I did a blog what would I call it!! Would I add in something about dieting, I'm sure many of you like myself are on a diet of some kind wanting to put weight on or lose weight.

And then what happens if I call my blog tubby mummy and then I finally stay on the weight lose wagon what happens to my blog name then? Could I change to say I don’t know the mummy formally known as tubby :)
There's a lot that goes into a name and I figured the only thing that's unlikely to change in my life is the fact that I'm a mummy!

So that's the very un-unique name of my blog mummy angels of course those of you that are mummy’s know that it’s unlikely my children are angels lol but to me (especially when their sleeping!) they are.

So I guess I'll tell you about me, my life is or was before children very uneventful. Children have a way of making you look at life differently don't they, they reignite your imagination. Before my angels I was a work-a-holic and had no plans EVER of having children not when I could have very expensive shoes lol.

But all that changed when I meet the man that I now call my better half I suddenly couldn't wait to have mini me's and watch them grow and learn, little did I know they would help me grow and learn too.

I'm 30 years old and on a journey I never thought my life would go through so I welcome you to join my journey and getting to know many of you along the way too.

Signing off for now,

<a href="">Follow my blog with Bloglovin</a>