And like many a mummy before me I started this journey full of the joys stupidly thinking that Lillie had never struggled with anything else this would be a piece of cake!
Hmm fast forward six weeks down the line and I had more grey hairs then at the start and Lillie had developed a hate for the potty that I hadn't anticipated :(
I tried everything I could think of and any idea's I could Google no matter how mad or crazy they seemed, I went on the potty, I sang a song about the potty, I wrote a story about the potty you get the general idea.
During one of my Google sessions I came across Dry Like me pads and figured they were worth a shot I never attempted pull ups I just didn't feel they would work as in essence their a glorified nappy and If I struggled to get them on her how the hell was she going to pull them down when she needed the potty!
So off I trot to pick up my pads with Lillie in tow we made two purchases that day the pads and some new big girl knickers!
We talked about what they were for and what was going to happen and she seemed ok, that evening I set about a new search and found the Dry like me facebook page and the dry like me YouTube channel that was filled with amazing advice.
I found out via facebook that they were running a Potty training live event that would last the summer 6 weeks of advice and information that would include a network of mummy's and daddy's that were going through the hell that is potty training too!
I signed myself and Lillie up immediately and we're now on week two! I have to say so far so good Lillie is finally at one with the potty lol we started by treating her every time she went a wee wee and cheered and congratulated her every time she sat on it. We have come on leaps and bounds we're still not brave enough to tackle an outdoor trip or an overnighter! But we'll keep you updated on our journey throughout the next five weeks.
Signing off,
Mummy's Angels.
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