Wednesday, 24 July 2013

Potty training - Bitting the bullet #PottyTrainingLive

So potty training in the Barker household has been going so well Lillie has been making us super proud at every turn!

So why was I holding back on taking her out of the house nappy free? It was completely 100% me that was scared and I needed to get over it and stop holding Lillie back!

So this week we went out to get some shopping which with two under two's is not the greatest adventure at the best of times. But I was locked and loaded for this trip taking with me the potty as Lillie had previously refused and screamed quite loudly that she would not sit on the mummy's toilet! I also had the pourty flex-fit toilet trainer just in case I could convince Lillie that the toilet monster would not bite her bum lol

So off we go carry one in a million things wearing our big girl knickers and our Dry Like Me Pads plus a change of clothes just in case! So cue mummy asking Lillie if she needs the wee wee every five minutes and Lillie eventually getting fed up and no longer replying to me! I'm sure if she could roll her eyes she would have!

So I get the last of the shopping in the trolley and walking out of the centre when Lillie finally decides she does need the potty mum, so off we trot and Lillie was quite happy to sit on the big potty in the shopping centre not quite sure why it's different then the big potty at home but there you have it!

My point is that I was in doubt of Lillie but she never once doubted herself she was quite capable of asking to use the bathroom and knowing when she needed to go, and I realised that maybe mummy was holding on to the nappies just slightly as they were her safeguard more than Lillies! And maybe just maybe mummy's baby wasn't mummy's baby any more she was mummy's big brave girl and I intend to tell her every day how very proud of her I am and that no matter how scary something may be the first step is always the scariest after that you find your feet.

Signing off,

Mummy's Angels :)

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